Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to change the settings of Taskbar and Start Menu

To change the settings of Taskbar and Start Menu, do the followings :

1. Take the mouse over the Taskbar.
2. Right-Click.
3. Click on Properties.
4. Taskbar and Start Menu Properties window will pop-up.

5. Change the settings as you like.
6. Click on Apply to apply your new settings.
7. Click on OK to finish.

Monday, November 14, 2011


What is Software?

Software is a program which is installed in a computer for new and extra features.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Computer

What is My Computer?

My Computer is a window where Hard Disk Drives, Devices with Removable Storage and Others are shown (e.g. Pen Drives, Printers, DVD Rom etc.).

Friday, November 11, 2011

Internet Browser

What is a Internet Browser?

Internet Browser is a program which you brows the internet with. There are lots of browsers. Like- Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera etc. In a Internet Browser there is some navigation buttons to navigate page to page and there is also a address bar where you type the address of the website you want to brows. There are more features in a internet browser. You will be able to find similarities between internet browsers.